Welcome to Dataware Toolkit’s documentation!

Pydtk is a toolkit for managing, retrieving, and processing data.


Pydtk are composed of three main components:

  • DB handlers that manage the meta-information of data

  • Models for reading/writing files of the right type

  • IO function to select appropriate models based on meta-information and to read/write data

The relationship between the components are described in the following figure.



You can install the toolkit with the following command:

$ pip3 install git+https://github.com/dataware-tools/pydtk.git

If you want to install the toolkit with extra feature (e.g. support for mysql DB and ROS), you can install extra dependencies as follows:

$ pip3 install git+https://github.com/dataware-tools/pydtk.git#egg=pydtk[mysql,ros]

API References:

Indices and tables